El Color de la
Pasión/The Color of Passion
Premiere: March 17, 2014
Written by: Cuauhtémoc
Blanco and María del Carmen Peña
Produced by: Roberto Goméz Fernández
Preceded by: ‘De
Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero’
Adriana (Ariadne Díaz), Magdalena (Ana Isabel Torre) and Rebeca
(Michelle Renaud) are three sisters from the rich Murillo family, that live in
Puebla. Adriana is married to Alonso Gaxiola (Horacio Pancheri), the owner of a
pottery factory, and her two sisters live with them. Their marriage seems
perfect, but they don’t know yet that Rebeca is a frivolous woman. Only Magdalena
knows her little sister’s true character. Rebeca was always hiding her love for
Alonso and envied her sister Adriana. Her envy becomes hate when she finds out
Adriana is pregnant.
When Alonso travels abroad for a business trip, his wife
suffers a terrible accident and only her baby survives. After the tragedy,
Alonso is decided to protect his daughter Lucía, and Rebeca takes advantage of
the situation.
24 years later, Alonso (René Strickler) and Rebeca (Claudia
Ramírez) are now married. She has become a mother for Lucía (Esmeralda
Pimentel). The couple has another daughter of 22 years, Nora (Ximena Romo), who
is frivolous and manipulative like her mother.
Rebeca is frustrated because she knows that she will never
have the real love of Alonso, which leads to her having extramarital affairs. After
humiliating one of her lovers, he commits a suicide. His brother Marcelo (Erick
Elías) is decided to investigate this tragedy.
Marcelo moves to Puebla and soon finds out that the Gaxiola
Murillo family is involved with the secret behind his brother’s death. Seeking revenge,
he approaches the family, and without noticing begins to fall in love with Lucía.
Will they be able to be happy in spite of all the intrigues and problems that
surround them?
Pimentel - Lucía Gaxiola Murillo
Erick Elías -
Marcelo Escalante
Claudia Ramírez -
Rebeca Murillo de Gaxiola
Ximena Romo -
Nora Gaxiola Murillo
Mariano Palacios
- Rodrigo
René Strickler -
Alonso Gaxiola
Eugenia Cauduro -
Magdalena Murillo
Helena Rojo -
Milagros Escalante
Luis Fernando
Peña - Ruperto
Nuria Gil - Clara
Angelina Peláez -
Pablo Valentín
Arturo Vázquez
Gloria Izaguirre
Marcia Coutiño -
Patricia Reyes
Spíndola - Trinidad
Luis Couturier -
Don Nazario
Moisés Arizmendi
- Amador
Eduardo España -
Rodrigo Massa -
Amador Zuñiga
Ariadna Betzabé
Marco Antonio
Ilse Ikeda - Lety
Abularach - Sergio
Claudio Roca -
Arozqueta - Brigida
Francisco Franco
Juan Pablo Blanco
Alfonso Dosal -
Federico Escalante
Ariadne Díaz -
Adriana Murillo de Gaxiola
Michelle Renaud - Rebeca Murillo (young)
Ana Isabel Torre
- Magdalena Murillo (young)
Horacio Pancheri - Alonso Gaxiola (young)
Tania Luciana xavi Marisol