Saturday, August 16, 2014

Michelle Renaud and Pablo Lyle presented as the protagonists of “El Manantial” remake

Producer MaPat (Martha Patricia López de Zatarain) confirmed that Michelle Renaud and Pablo Lyle will be the leading actors for the remake she is preparing for the 2001 novela “El Manantial”. The new novela will be named “La sombra del pasado”. Thelma Madrigal, who recently acted alongside Lyle in “Por siempre mi amor”, will play the villain Valeria. Lyle and Renaud’s characters will be named Cristóbal and Aldonza.

This will be the first time for Michelle Renaud and Pablo Lyle in leading roles, and MaPat assured that she is happy to give these young and promising actors such a big opportunity.

Originally, “El Manantial” was aired in 2001 and produced by Carla Estrada, with Adela Noriega and Mauricio Islas as the protagonists.

The filming of the remake will begin on August 18 in Zacatlán de las Manzanas, Puebla.

1 comment:

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