Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sabrina Garciarena and Germán Paoloski welcome their first son León

Sabrina Garciarena and Germán Paoloski finally became parents as they welcomed the arrival of León, their first child. He was born in the Swiss-Argentine clinic and weighed 3,200 kilos.

Paoloski announced the good news on Twitter on Tuesday night: "León was born, weighing 3,200 kg and luckily he’s as beautiful as his mother! Thanks for your messages and good wishes! Complete Happiness!"

Paoloski can now fully enjoy this new phase, as he requested a two months paternity leave. He said before the birth: "I feel I need to take these two months to get used to this new stage of my life that I prioritize before anything else. Leoncito will be born any time soon and I wanted to by my family’s side”.

Meanwhile, Sabrina twitted a short message dedicated to her bundle of joy: “I love you Leoncito”.

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