Monday, April 15, 2013

Luisana Lopilato speaks about her first pregnancy: “I can’t wait to see my son’s face”

Her five month pregnancy is already noticeable. Radiant and with a huge smile, she recognizes that she is still getting used to her new curves of her body, but also that she adores them and tries to enjoy the experience intensely. In August, Luisana Lopilato and husband, Canadian singer Michael Bublé, will become first-time parents to a baby boy. They are waiting with great joy the arrival of the prince of the house.

-Were you both wanting to have a baby?
-Yes. When we married I wondered if I could become a mom. I think that it happens to many, especially when you want a baby and don’t become pregnant so fast.

-Where did you find about that you were pregnant?
-Here at home. I was alone. I thought that my period was late because it had already happened once. I told it to my sister Daniela and she brought a test. We checked the date in which it was supposed to happen. The next day I was going to Canada, so I got up at 9am, did the test and it resulted positive. I couldn’t believe it. I read the result ten times to find out if it was correct. I even took a photo and sent it so that my sister could confirm the result.

-Did you immediately call Mike?
-I waited to tell him in person. My mom also advised me to wait and see him, because we were waiting this confirmation for a while. When I finally told him, he became very emotional, and his family as well. Because I went to live there for a couple of months, we decided to keep it as a secret and tell it to the rest of our loved ones once we’re back in Argentina.

-Did you choose a name?
-I like ‘Michael’, but if one day he chooses to become a singer, it can be a big burden for him. We want a name that’s easy to pronounce in both languages, that is short and that doesn’t have nicknames. We’ll see.

-Why are you going to have it in Canada?
-Because Mike wants his grandfather to meet him in person, because he is very old and can’t travel abroad. My family will go to Canada.

-Did you prepare his room?
-No, I only prepared one room and painted it in white. I am going to travel two months before giving birth and there I will buy the furniture. I will probably ask for the help of my sisters in law and Mike’s mom, that are great decorators, although they don’t do it professionally. Besides, Mike’s sisters recommended me to wait until the baby shower, because there they throw a party with an invitation, tables, decoration and incredible presents.  I only searched for a pram and a cradle, which I’m going to leave here.

-Where do you live in Canada?
-In Vancouver, about 40 minutes away from Mike’s family. Although it’s not very far, it depends on the traffic. We live like in the mountains and we want to be closer to them.

-The family is very important for both of you, right?
-Yes. It’s not easy to meet someone who feels the same. It happened to me once with a former boyfriend who was questioning why I was speaking all the time with my mom, for example. He also had a similar experience, so we understood each other.

-How do you imagine yourselves in the role of parents?
-He’s going to be the best dad in the world because he adores children. He had clothes custom made for him so that they would dress the same: the same suits, shirts and even leather jackets, but in mini size. I already feel like a mother. I’m relaxed because I know he’s inside of me. In the matter of fact, I can’t wait to have my son in my arms; I want to see his face, especially now that he’s beginning to kick.

-In the middle of all these changes, you’re going to participate in the series ‘En terapia’ (Argentine version of ‘In Therapy’, 2nd season).
-Yes, it’s only 8 episodes and I’m going to be the patient of Thursdays. I’m very happy because I’ve never worked before with Diego Peretti and I’ve always admires him. We record in a relaxed and silent atmosphere, which is perfect for my state. I’m also happy to work with Alejandro Maci, who is a great director. This role is totally different to all I’ve done before, so I’m happy and it’s a challenge for me. After having the baby, I’ll decide how to deal with the work proposals that I’ll have.

-How do you decide how long to stay in each country?
-It depends on how it goes. The only rule we have is not to spend more than two and a half weeks apart.

-And how does this go?
-On the one hand, it’s good because we’re very independent; we like to have our own space. Afterwards, when we reunite, we spend at least two months together.

-Do you cook for him?
-Yes. We both cook, but he cooks better than me. I adore his risotto and minced veggie soup with chicken.

-Do you take care of what you’re eating?
-Yes, I’m eating normally. But Daniela, who is a nutritionist, prepared a plan for me to gain just the right amount of weight.

-Your life resembles a fairytale. What impresses you the most?
-I’m a positive person. Meaning, always when I wanted for something to happen, it happened. If you expect positive things, they happen. Besides, I have faith, I believe in god and always wanted to have my family, even before meeting Mike.

-Besides, you were his fan…
-Yes, I played his songs in the saxophone. It’s weird. That’s why it was so difficult in the beginning. Right from the start he kept saying that everything was going to go well for us, that our relationship was going to work out, and I was trying to be more realistic. I didn’t want to delude myself: he lived there, I live here. The same thing happened when he proposed to me. I said: “OK, but do you think about the same thing as me, is all of this serious?”. It’s because I’m looking at my parents for reference. They went through a lot of stuff, but they overcame it and they’re happy and together. I think more about the future than he does.

-It speaks well of you, because you could have been blinded by the jet set life of travelling…
-Mike is very humble, and I’m as well. It’s weird for me to see him like that because for me he’s my family, not a star. Everything happened step by step. Even today, he does everything for our relationship to work out.

-Give me an example.
-For example, I want to be near my parents and brothers. He tells me to be at ease, that if we need to travel abroad, we’re going to, and that if they need to go with us, we’re also going to do it.             

-Do you go to Hollywood parties?
-No, only to those that he must attend. In Hollywood we go to the movies or go out to eat. We’re two normal people, we feel the same way. If he would be here, he would be worried if I’m aright, if I want something to drink.

-What do you like most about him?
-I like him as a person. I always tell him not to worry so much about everybody because he always takes care of everybody around. I also like his family, I adore them, and I know that if something happens I can count on their love and support. I talk a lot with them, even about marital stuff. Sometimes they might even intervene.

-You have been married for two years and you’ve been together for four and a half years. How has your relationship changed you for the best?
-It made me see everything in a more positive way. I learned to give importance to the things that really matter. He doesn’t care about material things and always tells me not to worry about what can’t be fixed. Sometimes my friends make fun of me and tell me that I see everything in a positive and beautiful light because it’s all very beautiful.

-Did your privileged life affect your friendships?
-No, because these people have been around me for a long time now. This makes me feel grounded and not to feel superior to others.

Interview by ‘Hola Argentina’
Photos by María Teresa de Jesús Alvarez

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